Protect Your Family
Learn The Facts!
The Following Organizations
Ask Every Family To:
"Test - Fix - Save A Life."
Environmental Protection Agency
American Medical Association
American Cancer Society
United States Surgeon General
American Lung Association
World Health Organization
Department of Public Health
Go Green - Stop Radon!
Radon is the #1 cause of cancer after smoking and kills more than 21,000 Americans every year. Radon is radiation and like all other forms of radiation, is completely invisible. Radon can cause extensive cell damage and creates the mutated cells that turn into cancer.
Many families are living in homes with radiation levels that exceed the EPA’s allowable limits for Nuclear Power Facilities and are unknowingly being exposed to higher radiation doses than hundreds of chest x-rays every year.

Homeowners can accurately test their own homes for as little as $10 including the test kit, lab fees, results and postage. Testing is easy and only takes a few minutes of your time with results in as little as one week. Home Buyers are recommended to hire a certified radon specialist to test the home before you buy it as part of the inspection process. Specialists use a Radon Monitoring Device that can provide results in as little as 48 hours and will detect any possible tampering.
The EPA recommends that you hire a qualified radon specialist to fix your home because the work requires specific technical knowledge and special skills. Unqualified people might actually increase your radon level or create other potential health hazards in your home.
There are a variety of ways to reduce radon. The best method attacks the source and prevents radon from entering by creating a negative pressure in the soil beneath your home. This method can reduce your radon level by up to 99% and can usually be completed in one day.